
Painting a room always takes longer than you think it will. It would be one thing if you just had to roll some paint on the wall, but on top of that, there’s moving or covering furniture, putting down drop cloths, and lining the borders of the room with painter’s tape.

But if you’ve ever seen a professional painter at work, you may have noticed that they didn’t use painter’s tape. Instead, they probably used a technique called “cutting in,” which eliminates tape from the process. And while it’s not technically difficult, it does require a steady hand. Here’s how to paint a straight edge without using tape. Aluminum Tube Extrusion Machine

How to Paint a Straight Edge Without Even Needing Tape

While you’ll still use a roller to tackle the vast majority of the room, cutting in is a way to paint a clean, straight edge along window frames, ceilings, corners, baseboards, and other types of trim.

How to Paint a Straight Edge Without Even Needing Tape

Fine Copper Wire Drawing Machine In addition to the paint and a cleaning cloth, you’ll need a small bucket or container, as well as a high-quality 2-inch sash brush . Here’s what to do :